Rendertech white paper
Client: Rendertech
Project: technology white paper
Graphic designer: Gillian Richardson
Rendertech are leading Australasian consulting and manufacturing engineers for the meat rendering industry.
We co-wrote this white paper with them, working with their subject expert to structure the text, connect and link sections, and add an introduction and conclusion. Commissioned for an industry conference, the white paper served as a talking piece and takeaway for one of the team’s key technology solutions.
White papers are a valuable business asset that position you as an expert, educate your clients, and record and crystallise your IP. They make valuable leave-behinds, as a ‘magnet’ for online lead funnels or as a free download from your website.
‘After 50 years of development, low-temperature rendering is a proven and high-performance solution for the rendering and protein recovery industry. The benefits that attracted plant owners back in the 1970s are the same the industry demands today: lower energy use, reduced odour and waste water, and higher quality products. In the following pages, we review the technology, the latest developments in the field, your options, and the outcomes and competitive advantages low-temperature rendering offers.’