Practec company profile
Client: Practec
Project: Company profile
Graphic designer: Friends of Friends Design
A company profile designed into a brochure and PDF. A story in a nutshell, the profile for construction company Practec summarises the purpose and philosophy, services, sectors and specialities, the team and their projects.
Our process starts with a series of interviews and information gathering, before we sit down to map out the document. In collaboration with graphic designer Lucy Kirkwood, director of Friends of Friends Design, we develop a format that would tell the company, people and project stories, defining their expertise and track record to prospective clients.
‘Understanding design intent is key to a great outcome. We look at every project from all perspectives, considering aesthetics, layout, services and construction, as well as operational needs. We work with designers and clients to perfect details. Our thorough processes create operational efficiencies and – importantly – minimise effects on existing building users during construction.’