Why company profiles are all about your client

Why company profiles are all about your client.jpg


It sounds back-to-front, right? But in fact, your company profile – as told on your website ‘About’ page or in your capability statement – is not about you, it is all about your client.

It needs to tell them what you can do for them – all the services, skill-sets and outcomes you offer. Then provide proof points and validation via client testimonials, process descriptions and bios.

Given the About page is the second most visited page on most B2B and services websites, this is a key communication asset to get right.

Don’t start with ‘We have been in business for over 20 years…’, because clients are not actually interested in you. Well, not to begin with anyway.

They are interested in how you can help them reach their dreams and goals.

This makes the About or Profile page one of your hardest-working pages and can tip people in choosing your company ahead of a competitor.

So what do clients want to know about you?

Some of the typical questions clients seek answers to include:

  • What you do.

  • Why you do it.

  • How you do it.

  • Who you are.

… all expressed from their point of view.

Here are a few examples of services – ‘what you do’ – with client-centric language:

  • For ‘business consulting’, include outcomes such as ‘business growth’.

  • For ‘executive recruitment’, include outcomes such as ‘talent that drives performance’.

  • For ‘professional training’, include outcomes such as ‘empowered teams’.

The all-important ‘why’ or purpose

Potential clients are also looking for emotional connection, as found in your ‘why’ – your purpose or mission, driven by your philosophy and values.

They are wondering: ‘Do I connect with this brand?‘ ‘Are we aligned?‘

I believe the answer to this is crucial to attracting your ideal clients – people with similar values to yours, which ultimately leads to more fulfilling and enjoyable working relationships.

You can read my previous article Brand purpose drives everything to find out more about a brand’s ‘why’.


Download our checklist to brainstorm your brand story.


The ‘how’ – your process or approach

‘How you do it’ is the unique combination of your skill-set, IP, processes, etc. In the examples above, it’s how you do the consulting, recruitment or training part.

For complex services and products, your process can be a critical step in conversion, because clients get a peek behind the scenes to ‘picture’ themselves working with you. This can extend their understanding of your business and moves them closer to making first contact.

The ‘who’ can come last

When it comes to solving needs, wants and desires, clients are (rightly) selfish – they firstly need to know what you deliver. By the time they read about you, they should already have a sense that you will be able to help them and so are more vested and interested.

The ‘who’ offers the proof and validation of claims made at the top of the page – the fact that they will be dealing with professionals with expertise and a good track record.

There are some exceptions to this of course. If you have a well-known founder who leads the service delivery then their profile or story can be a focus on the page. Or if your consultants are all specialists working directly with clients, then you might need a team page on the main menu for quick reference.

If an About page simply offers a company history, you are missing a massive sales and conversion opportunity.

Validation & call to action

Other great content to include on your Profile page are links to case studies and/or testimonials to validate the benefits of working with you.

It’s also important to tell people what their next move could be, so invite a response. If they have read to the bottom of your About page, then make it easy for them to email or phone you right then and there.

Great Profile pages convert

The About or Profile page is one of the heroes and hardest-working pages of your website and brochure and can be the reason people choose you ahead of a competitor.

I like to work with graphic designers early on to get the page working visually, too, with clear and elegant communication design.

Then once you’ve published an epic About page, remember to keep it up to date. All companies change and grow, so make sure your company profile mirrors what your best salesperson is saying in person to new clients.

You’ll be rewarded with a content asset that works around the clock for you, generating qualified leads straight to your inbox.

If you like what we do, get in touch to discuss your next project.


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